Saturday, November 8, 2014

Overall Experience in the 2nd quarter

I am so glad that I was able to learn so many things in Kumsay I. We learned about HTML, Powerpoint, Netiquettes, and Protocols and DNS. 

As a whole, I can say that we all learned to be patient and hardworking to do our outputs in this subject. For instance, in making HTML, we need to have our focus on every little detail because one wrong move can lead to another mistake. We also learned to be careful at all times. For example, we need to think before we type or click as part of the netiquettes. Most of all, we learned to do our best and exert enough effort in everything we do because you will never know what you can be if you will never know what you can do (Alvarez,2014)


This is Andreya Marie Rubio Alvarez, signing off. 
Until next time!!!

How to Present Power Point Presentations

A Good Powerpoint Presentation -- Tips

A Power Points' cause is to present data in a simple yet understandable visual effects. With that, we need to follow some rules to have a presentable output. 

1. Use legible font style and font size
2. Have proper color schemes. Consider the color theory,main groups, relationships of colors, and based on emotions.
3. Keep it simple.  "Simplicity is beauty",as the cliché goes
4. Minimize numbers in slides. Instead, use graphics to convey your point. 
5. Be brief. Don't be too wordy

Try and follow these rules to come up with better power point presentations. :)

Sublime Text and Notepad

In doing web pages, we use Sublime Text or Notepad. These two are the best! 

HTML Defined and Described

  •  HTML is a language for describing web pages.
  •  HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
  •  HTML is a markup language
  •  A markup language is a set of markup tags
  •  The tags describe document content 
  •  HTML documents contain HTML tags and plain text.
  •  HTML documents are also called web pages.    
For me, HTML is such a cool thing to do. Before, i thought that making webpages are as hard as the hardest rock in the world. Nah, just kidding. I am so glad that we are now able to make different graphics and content using HTML.

In this quarter, we also had our own HTML using Sumblime Text. This is my passed work :)

I chose the topic about Ballet because it became a part of my life for many years. 




It may look really complicated at first, but as soon as you get it already, you can now cope up with the flow or even go for the more complicated ones. :D

Friday, November 7, 2014

Domain Name System

This video can explain about the Domain Name System =)

How does the Internet work?

View the video to learn how.

Web Searches

When we search in the web. there are some tips and tricks to get the wanted and relevant results.

Here are some of them.

1. Don't be too wordy. In searching, less is more. The engine can easily look for what you want when you are not loquacious. 
2. Don't worry about cases. Search isn't case sensitive.
3. Search within a site. For example: History
4. Search by file type. For example: The Filipino People filetype:doc
5. Get definitions. For example: define: science

These tricks will help us lead to accurate and precise results.


In this quarter,we also learned about the different regulations in inter networking. 

A protocol is a set of rules that governs the communications between computers on a network. These rules include guidelines that regulate the following characteristics of a network: access method, allowed physical topologies, types of cabling, and speed of data transfer.

There are different protocols. The following are some of them.

Internet Protocol is the primary network protocol used on the Internet, On the Internet and many other networks, IP is often used together with the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and referred to interchangeably as TCP/IP.

Transmission Control Protocol-  is connection-oriented network protocol used by major Internet applications such as the World Wide Web, email, remote administration and file 

User Datagram Protocol- is a connectionless-oriented network protocol that allows computer applications to send messages, in this case referred to as datagrams, to other hosts on an Internet Protocol (IP) network.

Thanks to these protocols, we are having an organized and proper internet.